Rivers & canals

Here you'll find our cruises, water and board sports, strolls and visits along our waterways : the Seine and Marne rivers and the Ourcq, Saint-Denis and Saint-Martin canals.

The Parisian waterways are another way to discover the capital. With two rivers and three canals (The Seine and the Marne river and the Ourcq, Saint-Martin and Saint-Denis canals) there is a plethora of activities that you can do by the water in the capital. Whether you're on foot, riding a scooter or a bike, or even sailing on boat, a paddle or a canoe there are plenty of things to explore and do as you discover this unusual side of Paris. 

Hop on one of our many cruises to see Paris like never before and if you're afraid of getting seasick check out our guided nature tours and take a deep breath of fresh air in the Parisian region.